Friday, June 22, 2012

6 week contest!

So, I haven't exactly told you guys but my husband and I are expecting our first child. In about 6 weeks we will find out the sex of our child and was wondering what everyone's opinions were.  Who ever guesses right, gets a FREE image with their session.

So here is the deal/rules:
1. Must like the Tiffany Ringrose Photography Page
2. Must comment on this post if you think it is a boy or girl
3. In that comment you must tell me why you think its a boy or girl
4. Who ever guesses correctly will win a FREE edited image on a disk with release with their booked session. (free session are not included)

This is the most recent pictures I have (12 wks 6 days) and I am now 14 wks 2 days. I guess I should update the photo to show you guys. (which I promise to do! I will add each weeks to this post)

Here is a photo from today (Saturday June 23, 2012) I am 14 wks 3 days. (you will get an update each and every week)

I know I already posted a photo from this week, but here is another one that actually makes me look a little more pregnant. (14 wks 4 days)

Here is one in a cute dress (that I got just because but decided it would be a great dress for the weddings I have this month) You can't really see the belly much since it is a full body shot, but I am 15 wks 2 days here.

I am 16 weeks today (July 4th) which means, you only have 4 more weeks to enter this contest!!

In this picture, I am 17wks3days. Hope your enjoying these belly pictures! 

A little bigger can't you tell? In this photo, I am 18wks3days. Only a week and a half til we find out, and only a week and a half until the contest is over! 

 Here I am 19wks5days. I will post 1 more photo on Thursday before I find out.

Here is your final image (sorry, my dog jumped in the way) Now, you have until today August 2, 2012 at 4pm to take your guess. I will then close the contest. (if you comment after 4, you comment will NOT be counted)

So, take your guess!

I will announce the winners sometime next week. I am hoping by Monday!  Hope you all enjoyed and thank you for all your guesses.


  1. Well, I think your gonna have a girl, only because everyone almost everyone I knew this year had girls. I just think this year is the girl year. Also, because I hope its a girl, because it would be so cute to dress her up in princess outfits and then you can take cute pictures of her. Congrats and I wish you the best of luck :)

  2. You seem to be carrying HER low.... so I'm going with girl.

  3. Boy! It just looks like you are carrying the way I did with my son

  4. Girl because she is already giving you a hard time sleeping and i can relate its like when they are teens you never sleep also

  5. Im thinking ......that your going to find out that you are having a BOY! Your carrying pretty low,and iv heard thats a BOY!!

  6. GIRL! You have that "girl glow"

  7. I think your having a girl. Mostly because I want a girl. And your carrying low!

  8. Boy cuz its a gut feeling lol ur tired n hungry so boy

  9. I think your having a boy! lol Joanie Escobedo

  10. I think you are going to have a boy. You are carrying the exact same way I did with Logan. Your already talking a out back pain, and Lo was a stubborn boy and always killed my back.

  11. I'm going to guess boy and because I was carrying the same way you are and I had my son♥

    -Samantha Rose Cox

  12. I'm guessing a boy, because your carrying low. And I have noticed people with girls usually get sick a lot. :)
    Jessica Owens

  13. I am going to guess that you are going to have a boy. Just based on the way you are carrying, compared to others that's I know.

  14. I am going to say GIRL! You are carrying the baby in a way Ive been told usually means girl!

  15. Rebecca and Joshua JohnsonAugust 2, 2012 at 11:51 AM

    I think you are going to have a girl. I don't know why. But I just think that. I know I said boy before.. But now, for some odd reason, I feel its a girl. Lol
