Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Happy New Year

First and Foremost, Happy New Year Everyone!

Anyways, we are only 15 days into 2013 and there are so many things happening here. First, if you didn't notice I have revamped this entire blog. New design, new cover photo. Hope you all like it because I do. I think it fits my personality as a photographer, what do you think? 

Next, if you did not notice I have been off on my Maternity leave. I am excited to get back shooting, but I must be cleared by my doctor first. Here are the reasons: After giving birth to my Daughter (who will be a month old Thursday) I was re-admitted to the hospital for postpartum preeclasima. I am currently on 5 different medications, but was told I will be off of them by my 6 week appointment. Let's just hope this actually happens. During my time off, I have been able to capture some of my daughter's milestones (Christmas)  and was able to kind of shoot a few 3 week photos. However, during the 3 week session my camera decided to completely give up on me and I am currently out of a camera. However, HAVE NO FEAR I will have a camera because I am going to buy a new one! Woah, I finally get a new camera because this time I don't only want one, I NEED one! 

Now, I would like to introduce you to my daughter: Emmalynn Grace Ringrose. She was born on December 17, 2012 at 6:39pm. She was 7 pound 12 ounces and was almost 21 inches long!

I did want to let everyone know that as of January 1, 2013 my Wedding prices have increased just a little bit. Again do not fear, if you book on or before January 31, 2013 you will receive $100 off and a FREE 16x20 print. Don't worry if you are unable to book by then, I plan on doing another special later on in the season. I also want to point out that as of February 1, 2013 my portrait prices will also be changing. However, if you book on or before January 31, 2013 you will receive the 2012 portrait prices.

As I do each and every year I want to do contest each month, but as always I do not know what the contest should be. All I do know is the following

February: Valentines Day?
March: Easter (it's on the 1st of April)
May: Mommy & Me
June: Daddy & Me
August: Fun in the Sun?
November: Christmas

Any suggestions are welcomed. You can comment here, email me or facebook me.

I look forward to a great 2013!

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